
Centrum pasivního domu
 ATREA s.r.o. is the founding member of the Passive House Centre association.

The Passive House Centre is a non-profit association of corporate bodies and individuals founded to support and promote the passive house standard and ensure the quality of passive houses.

Česká rada pro šetrné budovy
ATREA s.r.o. is one of the founding partners of the Czech Green Building Council (CZGBC).

The Czech Green Building Council is a non-profit organization encouraging the market, education and legislative changes to create a setting for quality buildings that are environmentally friendly as well as financially profitable. 

Šance pro budovy
 We support the Chance for Buildings initiative.

The Chance for Buildings is a joint initiative of two major Czech associations from the field of progressive construction representing over a hundred companies.

We became one of the first companies in the Czech Republic to get systematically involved in the development, construction, support and promotion of energy-passive houses (EPD) and the permanently sustainable construction concept.

ATREA s.r.o. is one of the founding members of major professional and interest associations to support and promote modern and efficient trends in the building industry.

As part of that membership we take part in activities aiming at the development of high-quality, energy saving and economical buildings that provide their users with a highly comfortable environment while being environmentally friendly.